Parsley Rizotto

Illustration & Live2D Services

After attending art classes for a few years, I studied Illustration by myself. Now, I offer my expertise by taking commissions for character design, illustration and Live2D rigging.


The 3 pictures on the right collumn are samples of my work
1st illustration: Character sheet, flat colours.
2nd illustration: Full-body, cell-shading.
3rd illustration: PNG Vtuber, half-body, fully rendered.
How to commission me
1) Read my terms of service below. Commissioning me means agreeing to all the TOS.
2) Send me a DM on twitter (@parsleyrizotto) or on discord. (Parsleyrzt#1555) I speak Japanese, English and French fluently.
When a special is on-going, its information will be listed below.

Commissioning Terms of Service

1. About commissioning
1.1 Commissioning me means agreeing to all the terms of service below.
1.2 Consider your commission cancelled if you break any of the rule bellow.
2. Asking for commissions
2.1 Make a bullet point list of all the elements that you want in your commission.
- Young lady
- Black hair
- Standing like this (attach picture of the pose)
- Black suit (attach picture of the suit)
2.2 Explain with pictures/illustration.
3. Payment
3.1 The payment method is PayPal. The currency is US dollars.
3.2 I need to receive 50% payment upfront.
3.3 I need to receive full payment before I send the final artwork.
4. Process
4.1 The customer and I will start by talking about the general idea of the commission.
4.2 The customer will give me the list in [2.1] and the references in [2.2]. Then, I will make an
estimation of the final price.
4.3 I can give progress pictures; they will be low quality.
4.4 Expect to wait at most 2 month from the day the sketching is over to the day I give the customer
the final artwork.
4.5 If, for any medical reasons, I cannot continue working on the commission, I will notify you as
soon as possible, and the commission will be cancelled or postponed depending on the situation.
4.6 Time spent on talking about the design is also calculated in the final price.
5. Changes
5.1 After completing the payment/receiving the final artwork, feel free to ask for these changes if
needed: color changes, things I forgot to put in the artwork that were listed in the list [2.1], effects,
anatomical mistakes. These will be free of price.
5.2 Big changes (pose changes, expressions changes, etc...) can be made if the customer pays the
extra fee.
5.3 I will decide if the changes are free or charged. The customer will be notified of the price if it is
charged before I start changing the commissioned artwork.
6. Copyright
6.1 The customer is allowed to use the commissioned artwork for any personal use. To use the
commissioned artwork for commercial use, the customer needs to purchase the commercial rights
as in 6.6.
6.2 I, the artist, still has the copyright on the commissioned artwork, even after the payment is
6.3 If the copyright infringement [6.4] is broken, all the rights given on the artwork to anyone but
me will be retracted.
6.4 No one can make profit by selling the artwork but me, the artist, unless commercial rights are
purchased [6.6]. No one can take credit of the artwork but me.
6.5 I will never let anyone else than the customer and myself have any rights on the commissioned
artwork unless the customer says so.
6.6 Purchasing Commercial rights to the commissioned artwork will cost 50% or more from the
original price depending on the commissioned artwork. Please contact me through Twitter
@parsleyrizotto or Discord @Parsleyrzt#1555 to discuss a more accurate budget.
7. Cancelling and refund policies
7.1 No refund possible unless I agree to.
7.2 I have complete control on the pace I am working on the commission.
7.3 The customer can cancel the commission whenever they want. They need to tell me by Discord
or Twitter if they want to cancel. If they do not, I will postpone the commission after 1 week of not
receiving any messages from the customer, until they tell me they want to continue the commission.
I cannot guarantee that I will keep the files of the commissioned artwork if I have no response from
the customer for more than a month.